Let's Up Your Game

As a movement instructor, trainer, or coach, you have made many body discoveries in your discipline. And you’ve passed these on to your students, your clients, telling them to move more effectively, more safely. Now, let’s up your game!

Imagine using a teaching teaching that would allow THEM to make those discoveries for themselves! Imagine how empowering that could be for them, and exciting for you to watch them really GET IT. That technique from the Academy of Mindful Movement is called Body Discovery Coaching.

This 90 minute workshop will teach you - as an instructor or coach -how to use Body Discovery Coaching with your movers. You might not realize that you are an inventor within your movement discipline! In this workshop, you’ll learn to recognize the many body discoveries you’ve made and how to transform those discoveries into Body Discovery Coaching.

Then bring that excitement “home” to your movers. They’ll love it, and you’ll love having this new technique in your teaching toolkit!

Introducing Body Discovery Coaching Workshop

Body discovery coaching = Cause and effect coaching

The Academy of Mindful Movement is a sister organization to the Still & Moving Center and frequent references will be made to practices done there for the purposes of example. Rest assured that no outside programs or materials will be marketed during the training.